Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cindy Joseph Video

I find the beautiful Cindy Joseph very inspiring.  It's great to have a glamorous 60 year old who's willing to embrace her age and the benefits that it brings.  Also, I do have a couple of her Boom products and love them!  Really digging the long silver hair!


Cathy G. said...

Isn't she a super good looking woman at 60!
Very inspiring! Thanks for sharing this Dulcy..... I was thinking of getting a hair cut but changed my mind now! LOL!
Hope you are feeling better each day and doing some creating! What have you and Tammy been up to lately?!
Cathy G

Pixie said...

A friend of mine has had enough of the whole hair colouring thing and has decided to embrace her greyness, at first i thought as the colour was growing out it was a bit shocking, seeing as she is only forty seven, but now it has all grown out and her hair looks really good....probably very liberating.
Pixie x

Julia said...

Hi Dulcy, celebrating maturity is so important for us older women and I'm so glad that you've posted this video. I'll be 65 at the end of november and I never colored my graying hair. I always say that I've earned every gray hair I ha've earned every wrinkles too, lol. JB

Jennifer Richardson said... inspiring!
Thanks for the silver-lining
beautiful share!
(hope you're feeling wonderful
with your mended foot)

susan jenkins said...

Hi Dulcy, I loved this, i'm sending it to my daughter too! I have let my hair be white now for many years and I feel i earned every hair!!hahahaha
She is lovely and confident and a shot in the arm this morning!!
Thank you for sharing!!
xx Susan

Relyn Lawson said...

I've seen her in ads a few times and I always think of beautiful you.

Lorraine Young Pottery said...

Yes! this woman is wonderful, I remember her from the J. Jill catalogs and of course many other places. She has a fantastic chin and such strong bone structure :-} and of course her hair catches my attention every time I see her.


Karen said...

Great inspiration! Thanks for sharing. Going to check out the Boom products. Happy New Year!

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