Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Living Life Lying Down

Oh my..... it's been quite a bit since I last posted on my blog.  Numerous unpleasant issues have kept me from being here, or dropping by other blogs for a visit.  Firstly... a broken keyboard happened.  2's, w's, s'.s or x's were no longer available.  Now I can surely get by without 2's or x's, but s's?!  No way!  Secondly, I had a very extensive surgery on my foot which has kept me reclined for the past 12 days.  I am only up now on one of my 10 minute breaks I'm allowed each hour.  Well actually, I do cheat on this throughout the day, but I'm trying to be a good patient and get back in shoes and fun asap.  I have another 2 plus weeks of this along with upcoming rehab.  But, it's well worth it, and my doc did a most excellent job.

My dear sweet hubby has replaced my keyboard, and today I'm feeling pretty spiffy considering where I was a week ago.  Pain meds and I DO NOT get along (dang!).  But now that they're out of my system I can see without everything spinning, keep my food down, and communicate without sounding too loopy.  I'm also feeling spiffy because of the many lovely visitors who've happened by with Starbucks, sandwiches, and entire meals.  Non of these sweeties blogs or checks out blogs, but thank you Sarah, Lauren, Cathy, Marti, Ann, Barbara, and Tammy  (who, of course, is our fabulous Skip To My Ewe).  Thank you friends!!  Food and company has the very most healing power!

Another spiffy thing about having to stay in one place reclined is making good friends with my iPad.  I ordered an art app that allows me to paint called Procreate.  Below is one of my attempts.

This is actually a joint effort with buddy painter Kathryn Glover who set up this little still life, photographed it, and emailed it to me with the intent of a future pastel.  Well, I hadn't gotten to that yet. so while looking around for something to try my art app out on, I remembered this photo and went from there.  I painted this with my finger using various brushes, and ways of loading them.  Just beginning with  painting on the iPad, but it keeps me from getting too rusty while healing.

I've also been knitting.  I had held back this yarn and scarf pattern for post-surgery.  Easy to knit, and creates this swirly little number.

I'm also reading a great historical piece titled "The First Tycoon" the epic life of Cornelius Vanderbilt.  This is a book club choice.  My book group reads a lot of historical work, which has been a wonderful learning experience for me since I usually reach for fiction on the shelves. 

So I'm sort of occupied, and excited because tomorrow is an actual outing!  Well... to the doc, but that counts when one hasn't been anywhere in a week.....



Julie Whitmore Pottery said...


I'm so glad your foot is healing, setbacks are the pits. But you are making good use of your time, thats for sure.
Now don't cheat too much on your breaks! Doc knows best.

Julia said...

Dear Dulcy, I'm sorry about your keyboard breaking down and for being out of commission with foot surgery. I hope that you heal fast.

It's nice to have friends who cars about you and bring you some comfort. Being unable to get around can be a pain in itself.

You will soon be as good as new.

summersundays-jw said...

I'm glad you're on the road to recovery. Don't know how I missed it but I didn't know you were having this done. Take care & mind the Dr. Jan

Cathy G. said...

Hi Dulcy,
I'm glad you are feeling better and the surgery went well! Sounds like you are following Dr.'s orders like a good patient! I sure hope things keep progressing and you are back on both feet really soon! Painting on an IPad! Wow..... that sounds really neat and something I didn't know was out there! Love that scarf!
Have missed you in blogland and wished I lived closer to bring a good home made chicken soup over! Your friends there probably cook much better than me anyway! Hang tough girl!
You'll be dancing in no time!
Cathy G

Charlotte said...

Oh you poor thing. I don't know what would be worse, pain of spinny head and poorly stomach.

Glad you are on the mend and have Sss back in your life. I love the colour of the wool and the app is great fun.

Best regards from the (far too cold) UK.

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

I hope your foot heals up soon. I've been contemplating having surgery on my feet. I'd have to do it in the summer, but I'm so limited by the type of shoes I can wear now...everything feels uncomfortable except flip flops and winter is coming! LOL I love, love, love that pastel and I can't believe you did it with the computer. Hope you're up and running very soon!

Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives said...

Miss Dulcy!! So glad you're on the mend ~ I wondered where you've been! It's hard to depend on others and also, when I was in that position, it was a step in my growth ~ to let others help!! Sounds like you have wonderful friends and you'll soon be back to your busy life!!! Take care!

Unknown said...

My goodness you have had a lot going on.
I hope your foot is healing and you will soon be taking more interesting outings than the Dr.
Your art painting was great sounds like fun.
Take care of yourself, we enjoy you coming to Warsaw to hook.

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Boy Dulcy I m so sorry I wasn't online recently enough to know you were going in for surgery, but I a so happy to hear you are doing better! I did go visit the links you posted and love Kathryn's paintings. I have been trying to work in oils a little more lately so seeing her work was very inspiring!
Take care Dulcy and I hope you get only good news at the doctor.
Take it easy and God bless!
Tina xo

susan jenkins said...

Hi Dulcy, it's just amazing what can happen all at once out of the blue! Your foot,now that can stop us,keeping busy,as you are, it's the best medicine.Lovely friends and neighbors helping too! You are painting, (with fingers yet), knitting,reading a great book and typing with your new key board! Whew! Lot's more than most people do with out a mending foot!!!
Take care and enjoy your outing, an outing is an outing!!
xx Susan

Lorraine Young Pottery said...

That's a nice read you picked there! Cornelius is a great name isn't it! We have Cicadas here in New England, they make their presence knows in August it's a reminder to me to slow down, get outside and enjoy every last ray of sun before winter.

Relyn Lawson said...

Feel better soon. I love you.

Pixie said...

Hi Dulcy and thank you so much for your lovely comments, i am quite pleased with how the painting turned out, most of the time i can be quite critical about my artwork and never really like it when i have finished it, but this i am fairly pleased with. And how many times have i looked at that little fawn pattern and wanted to knit it myself but know that my knitting skills are just not that finally tuned to attempt it just yet, so well done for knitting it, i look forward very much to seeing the finished garment...do you think it was quite challenging or was it not that bad? it looks complicated to me.

Pixie x

Mary Stanley said...

Hello...all good wishes for quick foot healing. Looks like you are staying creative and that's a good thing!

Relyn Lawson said...

I pulled up your blog to check in on you and Jeffrey was walking by. He said, "Well, that sure is pretty."

Ragamuffin Gal said...

This post is so wonderfully titled and written! Blessings sweet friend!

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