Hello! It's been awhile, and to be honest, I thought I was done with blogging. It seemed a bit like homework, and I've became enamored with Instagram that's so quick and easy. Well..... it is quick and easy, and I see some of you out there and many others whose work I enjoy and find inspiring. But, you just don't get the personal touch as you do with your blogger buddies. Instagram is kind of Blogger's lazy sibling. Lot's of pretty pictures, but no substance. I still have been visiting blogs, and suddenly missed it all. I missed the creative aspect of the writing, commenting, and layout that you just don't get with Instagram. So..... enough said. I'm hoping to become a bit more regular with my blogging, and a better visitor and commentor. So Happy New Year! (ps..... still instagraming at dulcy stewart).
I'm very excited to have recently started an on-line watercolor journaling class with Jane LaFazio. I'm working in my sketchbook, and trying to work fast without too much detail. Here's a couple of my first tries.

This was ok, but struggled with the apple. My past work with pastels made me want to blend and smoosh around. It all ended a bit muddy. So I played a bit more with the apple.

A bit faster, less smooshing.
My current goal (at least while taking this class) is to paint a bit everyday. I really like Jane's free and fun style. Plus her teaching on-line is very thorough, and even though the class seems large, she comments back on everyone's work. Also, all of us comment to each other, so it's a nice little art community!
I've been using up shawl scrap yarn on a new knitting project. Doing a log cabin pattern, and loving the blocks. I'm hoping to have enough yarn to get nine blocks done. Currently at seven.

They're just so gorgeous and fun to work with! Great Noro Silk Garden yarn.
Speaking of shawls, this is my newest...... made for a friend who is gifting it. We collaborated a bit on yarn and ribbon. Fun way to work!

I don't have anything on the rug hooking frame at the moment. I had a rug show for the month of December, and in preparation I put a few on painted canvas. I've done this before, and really like the effect. Here's one that I especially like.

Makes hanging easy if it's not a floor piece, and I like the addition of color.
So.... I think that's a bit of a catch up for now. Hope all is well with you, and cozy and warm.
Stay safe!
I'm very excited to have recently started an on-line watercolor journaling class with Jane LaFazio. I'm working in my sketchbook, and trying to work fast without too much detail. Here's a couple of my first tries.

This was ok, but struggled with the apple. My past work with pastels made me want to blend and smoosh around. It all ended a bit muddy. So I played a bit more with the apple.

A bit faster, less smooshing.
My current goal (at least while taking this class) is to paint a bit everyday. I really like Jane's free and fun style. Plus her teaching on-line is very thorough, and even though the class seems large, she comments back on everyone's work. Also, all of us comment to each other, so it's a nice little art community!
I've been using up shawl scrap yarn on a new knitting project. Doing a log cabin pattern, and loving the blocks. I'm hoping to have enough yarn to get nine blocks done. Currently at seven.

They're just so gorgeous and fun to work with! Great Noro Silk Garden yarn.
Speaking of shawls, this is my newest...... made for a friend who is gifting it. We collaborated a bit on yarn and ribbon. Fun way to work!

I don't have anything on the rug hooking frame at the moment. I had a rug show for the month of December, and in preparation I put a few on painted canvas. I've done this before, and really like the effect. Here's one that I especially like.

Makes hanging easy if it's not a floor piece, and I like the addition of color.
So.... I think that's a bit of a catch up for now. Hope all is well with you, and cozy and warm.
Stay safe!
I am glad to see you back...I totally agree with you about Instagram. I love it but you just don't get the personal interaction you do with a blog....Good for you taking an art class; I love the paintings you've done and I too like the soft aspect of them. You can't beat Noro Silk Garden, I love that yarn and your log cabin blocks are beautiful as is the shawl you've just finished.
I miss seeing your posts, but I understand. Everything you said about blog vs. instragram is right on. If you throw Facebook in there too, all of them have the ability to create a record of what's going on in our lives (at least the parts we want to share!). Occasionally I look back through my blog and think "wow I am glad I put this on the blog". There are very nice memories there - and not just photos but words too! Even if only for my later enjoyment, I want to keep blogging, and I want to do better with it this year.
I have really enjoyed watching the log cabin squares materialize. That blanket is going to be gorgeous (already is!). I think I must be the slowest knitter on earth. Honestly, when I compare all those squares to how long it takes me to knit a skinny scarf, I think it would take me years to do what you are doing. I hope your scraps hold out til the end!
Carry On!
You live such a beautiful artful life, friend.
I'm glad to see you again:)
Welcome back, wonderful you:)
Hi Dulcy, it's been a long time since I visited your blog. You have been very creative just as I remember you.
This year's project has been to print my blog posts since I started blogging on August 2nd, 2010 and it's been a labour of love as it's very tedious. As I was checking each post, I read some of your sweet comments and I was wondering how you were.
I'm so glad I dropped in to see what you've been up too.
I see two of my good blogger friends here, Nancy and Jennifer.
I've never went on Instagram as I can barely keep up with blogger and several time I came close to give up blogging but I'm glad I stayed with it.
As I read my printed blog post with comments, it's becoming a record of my life and friendship I made along the way.
I hope 2016 will be a good year for you.
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